

Poem: Alasdair Gray © 2005


"When wounds did not hurt those who inflicted them
"I was born in a city built over the desolate garden.
"The fall was an obscure event involving grandparents.
"I looked back without loss to an uncushioned womb,"
said Thaw,
rolling the syllables over and under his tongue.

"Logic first made the world my bleak home, showing
"economy under orgy, the use of agony,
"the importance of death, the necessity of dragons,
"and cold a tooth which fitted every wound,"
said Thaw,
rolling the syllables over and under his tongue.

"Though fearful as a child I always dreamed
"of the lovely woman, strong friend, right employer.
"Now I have seen two Beatrices choose murder.
"Friends were responsible. No employer helped,"
said Thaw,
rolling the syllables over and under his tongue.

"And so I came, I and my knotted fist,
"to crack my dreams and suck marrow from them:
"isolated, arrogant, unschooled to receive,
"a leper in armour on a conspicuous height,"
said Thaw,
rolling the syllables over and under his tongue.

"I, who should climb mountains, stand on a rostrum.
"Nobody claps me. The height is not enough.
"I will now go up the side of that common pinnacle
"no one uses for pedestal, nobody knowing the top,"
said Thaw,
still rolling syllables over and under his tongue.

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