In conversation
is an arts project incorporating oral history. We Make contact
through Senior Citizens Organisations, Church Groups, Bowling Clubs,
Schools, Youth Clubs and bring them together in the following way so
that people whose voice's are not normally heard get a chance to tell
their Stories. For Instance we meet with a group of seniors and with
their permission we record their stories. The story is then transcribed
and given to a group of young creative people.The
young people then go through a collective process of transforming the
the stories into a performance which they will perform to the storytellers.
By involving both groups in this way it will hopefully lead to new relationships
and understanding. Each group can then decide on further Events, or
if they prefer, go on developing the Art Form they found themselves
involved with.
The project with the young people has been put on hold, but we have
decided to publish the conversations we had recorded. The two beeks
are below.

both are £5.00 each with £1.60 P+P per book
For more information, contact: